FRep support archive

Date : October 2013 (6)

Protect App from FRep automation

Categories: For Developers
Tags: No Tags

Dear worrying developers,

We provide this protection interface for you, to prevent damage from who break your terms of service, and/or to prevent uninstallation of your app. In case you do not understand why you concluded your app needs these codes, please consult us.

Codes to Protect Activity from FRep

– Add following line in onResume() to send broadcast to stop/hide FRep 2.6 or later.

  sendBroadcast(new Intent("com.x0.strai.frep.action.PROTECTCLASS"));

Old FRep (2.5 or before) does not support broadcast.  Please refer the following method to check installed FRep support broadcast or not.

  private boolean isRecentFrep() {
    PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager();
    try {
      PackageInfo info = packageManager.getPackageInfo("com.x0.strai.frep", PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
      if (info.versionCode >= 24) return true; // PROTECTCLASS broadcast supported
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {}
    return false;

Tutorial Movies

Categories: Tutorial
Tags: No Tags

FRep Tutorial 1 (Basic)

FRep Setup tool for Android


Categories: Options
Tags: No Tags

Console Settings / Rec/Play Settings / Screenshot Settings / System Settings

General settings about UI (Console, Notification), Recording/Playing and Environment.

SettingsFRep Options

– Safety App Lock [System Environment]
To avoid problems, FRep restricts itself on Google Play and Phone Call screen: default is ON (restrict).
It requires FRep Unlock Key to OFF this option and record/replay on them.

– Language [UI]
Language settings within the app.  To reflect this setting, restarting of Service and app is required.

Console Settings

Rec/Play Settings

Screenshot Settings

System Settings

FRep Console SettingsConsole Settings

– Console Size 10~500%
Adjustable console panel size: default is 100% as a button size equals standard icon size.

– Console Font Size 2~48sp
Adjustable console text size: default is 14sp.

– Console Transparency 0(Opaque)~255(Transparent)
Adjustable visibility of below layer: default is 128 (half).

– Auto Show/Hide
Show console on app for which FRep has record, hide console for app of non record: default is ON (auto).
If this is OFF, console must be switched manually by tapping notification.

– List on Flicking
Show available records list by flicking upper button of console: default is ON (show).

– Flick/Drag Direction *Only for Android 4~
Direction of shift of record selection when flick/drag the upper button of the console: Default is Default (Start dragging sideways:↓/forward, vertically:↑/backward)

Default: With start dragging sideways, the selection will move to ↓/forward according to distance.  It will move to ↑/backward when start dragging vertically.
Reverse: With start dragging sideways, the selection will move to ↑/backward according to distance.  It will move to ↓/forward when start dragging vertically.
Always Forward: The selection will move to ↓/forward according to distance.
Always Backward: The selection will move to ↑/backward according to distance.

– Flick/Drag Sensitivity Lowest(dull)~Highest(very sensitive)
Distance to detect flick/drag operation for console operations: Default is Default (length of standard icon side)
For large screen device, higher option may useful to choose record/drag console.

Record Button Visibility
When the record(Rec) button shows: default is Show Always

Default, Show Always: Rec item for record is always selectable.
Show Only on Main Console: Rec item is selectable only on Main console.
Hide when playable item exists: Rec item is selectable only when no playable items exist for Main console.

Screenshot Button (Need Unlock Key) *Only for Android 4~
Show button for screenshot(Shot) in main console: Default is None (Do not show)
By using this button, FRep will take screenshot by FRep’s method to save as PNG (or BMP as the screenshot method), for Image control or such.  The file name will be set as current app.

None: (default) Do not show the button.
PNG, Notify on success: Show Shot button which will save PNG file and notify popup.
As-is, Notify on success: Show Shot button which will save the as-is file for the screenshot method and notify popup.
PNG: Show Shot button which will save PNG file.
As-is: Show Shot button which will save the as-is file for the screenshot method.

– Use key console
Show virtual key console in another page, which is switchable by double-tapping upper button: default is ON (use).

FRep Rec/Play SettingsRec/Play Settings

– Keep Screen On [Recording/Playing]
Device screen keeps awake within recording/playing: default is ON (keep).
If this is OFF, long gap (no input term) will make screen off by system.

Edit after Recording [Recording]
FRep Record Summary panel will be shown after recording finished: default is ON (show).

Select Text on Edit Label [Recording]
Select all text when text box of label pushed, in FRep Record Summary and some panels: default is ON for Android ~6, OFF for Android 7~.
*Set this OFF when ANR (App Not Responding) occurs after the recording or the editing label.

Generate Wait Image (Progress) [Recording]
After recording in Progress mode, Wait Image controls are added at the input gap: default is ON (add).
*The target images are based on the the touched position at the taken screenshots, and the controls are set as skipped state.

– Notify Record Finish [UI/Notification]
Show recording finish, separation in Progress recording mode by popup: default is ON (show).

– Notify Play Process [UI/Notification]
Show playing start/finish, process of sequence by popup: default is ON (show).

– Minimum Popup Time [UI/Notification] 200ms~1000ms
Minimum popup term for continuous Notify Play Process: default is 500ms.

FRep Rec/Play Settings (Continued)– Maximum Continuous Popup Time [UI/Notification] 4sec~60sec
Minimum popup term for continuous Notify Play Process: default is 60sec or 4sec (Android 7.1~).
*On Android 7.1, longer time will hide continuous popups.

– Cancel Popup on Playing [UI/Notification]
When specified controls are played, the showing and pending notifications are cancelled: default is Screenshot.
When this option cancels notification, the controls will be played after 500ms wait.

None (Keep Showing): Do not cancel popup.
Screenshot: (default) Cancel popup before taking screenshot*.
Touch control: Cancel popup before touch control.
Screenshot & Touch: Cancel popup before taking screenshot* or touch control.

*Includes Wait Image control’s taking screenshot.

Combine Plain Popups [UI/Notification]
Show single unified popup for continuous notification: Default is ON (combine).
If this option is ON, successful (or just finishing) notifications are shown as combined one, but failure (timeout) notifications are shown individually. For 3 or more notifications, the combined notification has only first and last messages, omitting the middle ones.
If this option is OFF, all notifications are shown individually.

– Position of Popup [UI/Notification]
Position of popup notification in screen: default is Default.

Countdown on Skip Panel [Playing]
In playing Wait/Wait Image control, show rest seconds to timeout on console: default is ON (show countdown)
*Wait Image will update the seconds by each image matching process.

– Default Interruption [Recording/Playing]
Set interruption settings for new records: default is ON.
If interruption settings is ON, overlapping input in playing the record will stop the playing.

– Clock-based interval [Playing]
Play the operation records at the clock-based timing: default is ON.
To use timing based on intervals of the operations (method of previous version for FRep ~3.94), switch this option to OFF.

– Log Only Last Error [Playing/Log] (Requires Unlock Key)
After playing the edited sequence, store/overwrite the log only when the playing is aborted by error or interruption: default is ON.
To get log for successful play, switch this option to OFF.  Note that in either case, FRep will keep single log for each record.

– Log Last Matched Image [Playing/Log]
Store the matched part of the image for Wait Image control: default is OFF.
If this option is ON, the matched images will be stored in external storage, to see them in preview in Edit Sequence. The images will be deleted when start playing with this option is OFF, or without Unlock Key. With Unlock Key, the images for other record are stored up to ~25MB.

– Action when Playing Ends [UI/Notification]
Selectable notification when playing finishes: default is Silent (no notification).
Other options: Vibrate, Notification Sound (System default), and Both (vibration and sound).

– Notification Icon [UI/Notification]
Selectable notification icon at notification bar: default is Default, Show Rest Repeat No.

Default, Show Rest Repeat No.: Show FRep icon on stay, Show rest repeat No. in playing.
Show Plain icons: Show FRep icon on stay, Show simple playing triangle in playing.
Transparent in Playing*: Show FRep icon on stay, transparent icon in playing.
Transparent in Staying*: Transparent icon on stay, Show rest repeat No. in playing.
Transparent in Play/Stay*: Transparent icon on stay, transparent icon in playing.

*To apply these options, installation of unlock key needed.

– Display after Shortcut [UI/Console]
Show/Hide console after playing by shortcut or Tasker plugin: default is Auto.

Default, Auto: Show console if there is any playable record.
Hide console: Hide console regardless of playable records.
Show console: Show console regardless of playable records.

*Individual setting for each shortcut/Tasker plugin will override this setting.

Screenshot SettingsFRep Screenshot Settings

– Save Screenshot [Recording]
Take screenshot at each recording start: default is ON (take and save).
To decrease the size of record data, or when FRep fails take screenshot on Android 2.3.x, OFF this option.

– Screenshot Method [Recording/Playing]
Selectable screenshot method: default is Auto select (recommended).
BMP will take screenshots faster, and the screenshots will be compressed when you open the Manage Traces.
If the screenshot of Android 2.3.x has RGB exchanged color, choose Read FB(Reversed).
Screen API (Android 5~) will use Android’s capture API, which will request and prepare before starting recording / replaying, so it will take time before starting. See also Screen API Settings.

To save screenshot as file, choose options with (save as file), but note that the screenshot files cannot be included to exported file.

– Screenshot Rotation [Recording/Playing]
Rotation process after taking screenshot: default is Auto (recommended).
For only devices which FRep’s screenshots’ rotations in preview, Take Screenshot control, and Image control are incorrect by default settings.

– Temporary Directory [Recording/Playing]
Location for taking screenshot: default is Auto (recommended).
(Storage)/(App folder) will save the taken screenshot in App storage, for only devices which fail to take screenshot by default settings.

– Oversized Screenshot [System Environment]
Method to save screenshot data > 1.5Mbytes: default is Save as a separate file

Save as a separate file: Save the screenshot file.
Minify and store in database: Scale down the screenshot to 1/n scale to fit into the size limit.
Both: Save both of above.
*The large screenshot files cannot be exported.  When they are included when you choose Export Db in Manage Traces screen, FRep will show warning panel.  As for the preview images, tapping Add Minified Preview Image(s) in the panel will be appended the minified data which required for exporting.

– Match by All Bits [Playing]
Use 24 bit RGB color for Image Match evaluation: default is ON (use 8 bit for each R,G,B).
When lower bits do not match between screenshots in the same situation (on specific device such as Galaxy Tab 2), OFF this option to use only 15 bit (ignore lower 3 bit for each R,G,B).

[Screen API Settings] (Android 5~)

Advanced settings for Screenshot Method: Screen API.

In case the screenshot fails: The built-in encoder and/or decoder of your Android device may fail. First, switch ON Keep Cache Video and check the saved video file.  If the video file is broken, retry after setting Screenshot on Recording: 1/1 video.  If the video file can be played without problems, try switching ON Retrieve Sync Frame.

In case the screenshot timing is off: Adjust Frame Rate and Adjust Frame Pickup.

– Screenshot on Recording [Recording]
Record screen video on recording: Default is 1/2 video
Extract screenshot from video at the touched time.

None: Do not record or register screenshot on recording.
1/1 video: Record video of same screen size and register screenshot.
1/2~1/8 video: Record video of 1/n width and height screen size and register screenshot.

– Adjust video size [Recording]
Adjust data size for video encoding codec: Default is 16px
The input data size for each line of screen (depending on the orientation of the device) will be adjusted to a multiple of the specified px.  If the preview image of the record operation by FRep is abnormal (slanted, out of color, etc.), try changing it.

None: Do not adjust.
4~32px: Adjust each line of screen data pixels to a multiple of the specified px.

– Frame Rate [Recording]
Frame per second of video on recording: Default is 4FPS
The number of image frames per second in video.  However, on highly-loaded state, it may be under the set value.

– Bitrate Weighting Factor [Recording]
The weighting factor for bitrate of video: Default is 1.5
Higher bitrate will make higher image quality.  Actual bitrate is calculated by width x height x factor.  The width and height values depend on Screenshot on Recording.

– Keyframe Interval [Recording]
The interval seconds between the keyframes of video: Default is 4 sec
Keyframe has whole single image data, so the interval effects the quality and the video file size. Do not choose None, because it will generate very large size video file even with short time, it is only for support use.

– Adjust Frame Pickup [Recording]
The adjustment time when extract screenshot from video: Default is 100ms
The value to determine the timing of extraction frame as screenshot, from the video.  The larger value will get more past frame from touched time.

– Keep Cache Video [Recording]
Keep video files after recording: Default is OFF
If this option is ON, the mp4 video files are not deleted in the app cache folder such as; (Storage)/Android/data/com.x0.strai.frep/cache/

– Retrieve Sync Frame [Recording]
Request SYNC frame when extracting frame from video: Default is OFF
If this option is ON, request Sync frame.  It depends on the built-in decoder of Android device.

– BGR-type Screen [Recording/Replaying]
Convert screen buffer as BGR type: Default is OFF
If this option is ON, calculate screen buffer as BGR instead of RGB.  Switch this option when the resulting image’s red and blue elements are reversed.

FRep System SettingsSystem Settings

For screenshot related options on Android 2.3~3, refer previous section of Screenshot Settings.

– Start on Boot (Rooted) [System Environment]
If the device is rooted, FRep Service will start on the device boot: default is OFF.
Since FRep Service need the setup, non-rooted device cannot start automatically.

– Close Bar on Notification Tap [UI/Console]
Automatically close status bar of Android when the FRep’s notification or button on notification is tapped: default is ON (close on tap).

– Current App Detection [System Environment]
The method of current App. detection: default is Auto.
The options depend on Android version.

Auto: Only Package (Accessibility) for Android 5.1.1 or later, Only Package (Android 5) for Android 5.0~5.1, Package and Class for before Android 5.0.
Only Package (Accessibility): Requires switching ON the FRep Accessibility Service in Accessibility of Android Settings. FRep will get the package information of current App from the accessibility service.
(Usage / with Delay): Requires permitting Usage access in Android Settings. FRep will get the package information of current App from Usage by Android OS. Note that the detection will be delayed because of the update timing of Usage.
Only Package (Android 5)
: FRep recognizes only package information of current App.
Package and Class: FRep recognizes the package and class information of current App.

– Device Order [Recording/Playing]
Designate device id for recording / playing: default is Keep saved order.
If problem occurs, please edit or initialize the device ids in System Info screen, or choose Use native order.

Use native order: Use native device order as id, instead of the stored order.
Keep saved order: Use stored order which saved at the first launch, or edited in System Info screen.

– Default Device Check [Playing]
Check device capacity before playing with default replay setting: default is Use As-Is device.
For Android which has replaceable device ids, Reallocate device is recommended.

Use As-Is device: Do not check device capacity, use recorded id to replay.
Reallocate device: Check device capacity before replay, and reallocate device id to replay.

– Calibrated Device [Playing]
Use the information by Calibrate Input: default is Positive Use.

Do not use: Never use calibrated information. With this option, some touching actions by controls are unavailable.
Positive Use
: Use calibrated information for touching actions by controls designated in Edit Sequence, in priority to Uinput or adb input.
Passive Use: Use calibrated information for touching actions by controls only when the information is necessary. Uinput or adb input will be preferred.

– Uinput Device (Rooted) [Playing]
Create and use uinput virtual mouse for Tap center on Success of Image Match control, or Touch control designated in Edit Sequence*: default is Rapid Cursor. (If non-rooted, this option will be ignored)
If the cursor does not tap the designated position, try Slow Cursor instead. None will off the virtual mouse function.
*Note that when tapping by the virtual mouse, cursor will be appeared on the screen.

– SELinux Context (Rooted) [System Environment]FRep System Settings (Continued)
Only when the device with Android 4.3~, SuperSU 2.0~ is rooted and scrrenshot / key input do not work, try switching this option: default is Auto.

– Use As-Is UID (Rooted) [Recording/Playing]
Only when the device is rooted and FRep do not work, try to check OFF this option: default is ON (use as-is UID).
Normally rooted device can read/write and call debug commands by superuser (su) with this option is ON (default). There are some specific stock ROMs which kernels are altered as superuser cannot read/write input/screen devices.

– Detect Keep Pushing [Recording/Playing]
Keep recording while key push or touch continues: default is ON (keep).
Only when the device cannot detect gap, try to check Off this.

– Adjust TrackingID [Playing]
Adjust the signal when multiple TrackingIDs are assigned for single slot: default is ON (Adjust).

– Clean up touch signals [Playing]
The method to clean up touch signals after replaying touch operation: default is Auto.
Only when the touch remains after finishing/interrupted replay, try to set Reassign all slots.

Auto: Use default option for current app version.
Reset only used slots: Put touch up signals for only used touch slots.
Reset all slots: Put touch up signals for all touch slots.
Reassign only used slots: Put assign and up signals for only used touch slots.
Reassign all slots: Put assign and up signals for all touch slots.
Reassign used slots on interruption: Only when the replay is interrupted, put assign and up signals for only used touch slots. On normal replay finish, same with Reset only used slots.
Reassign all slots on interruption: Only when the replay is interrupted, put assign and up signals for all touch slots. On normal replay finish, same with Reset only used slots.

– Interrupting Operation [Playing]
The input type detected as interruption in playing operation record: default is Same (Playing touch will be interrupted by touch)
By setting as Any, any input operation in playing will be detected as interruption.
*On non-rooted Android 10~, this option is ignored.

– Screen Resolution Check [Playing]
Update screen resolution in playing operation record: default is Auto
(For environments where the screen resolution changes depending on the application)

Auto: Use default option for current app version and environment.
Never(Fixed): Do not update screen resolution info in playing.
On App Change: Check and update screen resolution info when current app is changed.

– On detecting unknown access [System Environment]
Behavior when strserv process receives invalid access from other app or machine (Android 7~): default is Shutdown.
Try switching this option only when strserv process shutdown.

Shutdown: the strserv process will shutdown (requires setup again) when any invalid access is detected.
Ignore or Shutdown: the strserv process keep running if the invalid access is ignorable.  Or, the strserv process will shutdown (requires setup again) if the invalid access is not ignorable.
Ignore All: the strserv process keep running even when any invalid access is detected. (Not recommended)

– Log fatal error [System Environment]
Store internal error for support issues which does not show Android’s Report dialog: default is Trace

Trace: Watch internal error in FRep app, and store the last error for Copy support info in FRep System Info screen.
Ignore: Does not watch internal error.

– Storage [System Environment]
Physical location to save records: Default is (Storage)/(App folder).
(Storage)/(App folder): the data files will be saved at /sdcard/Android/data/com.x0.strai.frep/ or /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.x0.strai.frep/
(Storage)/strai: the data files will be saved at /sdcard/strai/ or /storage/emulated/0/strai/
Internal: the data files will be created to internal storage for App, which is safer.


– To protect record data, set Storage to Internal before recording.

Restrict App

Categories: Restrict App
Tags: No Tags

To prohibit the FRep’s recording/replaying in specific app, set available app list in this screen.
CHECKED apps are available, i.e. FRep can record/replay in CHECKED apps, and FRep stops recording/replaying soon when UNCHECKED apps are detected.

Screen LayoutFRep Available App

– (App List)
All apps in the device, except FRep, Phone and Google Play which are restricted by default.
Uncheck apps to restrict FRep operation.


– Restore
Reset to initial state.

– Check All
Check all apps to permit FRep in all apps.

– Uncheck All
Uncheck all apps to inhibit FRep in all apps.


– FRep notification will show “FRep protected”, in UNCHECKED (restricted) app and FRep self, Phone and Google Play.

– If you encountered unexpected “FRep protected” notification in CHECKED apps, tap the notification and send the shown popup message to support address.  (see FAQ/troubleshooting)

Main Menu (Launcher)

Categories: Main Menu (Launcher)
Tags: No Tags

Starting Screen of FRep Launcher App, consists of Main Menu and Record Settings.

As for initial setting, see [Setup Tool].

Main MenuFRep Main Menu (Simple)

Start/Stop Service
After initial setup, pushing Start/Stop Service will switch the running state as Service Running/(Not running).  FRep is only available with Service Running state, which shows the FRep icon at notification bar.

Manage Traces [Click for detail]
To configure, edit or delete records.

System Info [Click for detail]
To confirm Android system information / reload the recognized input devices.

Restrict App [Click for detail]
To designate apps where FRep is disabled, for safety and/or avoiding automatic operation.  FRep self, Phone and Google Play apps are always restricted and not shown in the list.

Skin [Click for detail]
To select skin for floating console panel.

Options [Click for detail]
To adjust console display, notification and other settings.

FRep Till GapRecord Settings

FRep has 3 recording mode, switchable here.  In any mode, pushing Power button will finish recording.

– Mode: Simple (Default)
Basic mode which records input and initial screenshot, until the Power button push.  Up to 15 minutes* or 1 MB data.

– Mode: Till Gap
Simpler mode which records input and initial screenshot, until FRep detects no input period designated by the slider “Input Gap” below.  Up to 15 minutes* or 1 MB data.

– Mode: Progress
Advanced mode which records input and screenshot continuously, separated by “Input Gap” period.  No limit for total time or data size, but long recording need separation to avoid single record > 15 min* or > 1 MB.

*Limit is 10 minutes for FRep version less than 5.0.

TIPS to choose Recording Mode:

Simple / Till Gap for short recording, simple repeat tap or operations without processing delays.

Progress for long-time recording, including CPU load and/or network connection wait, etc.  This mode will automatically generate editable replay sequence with some controls. See posts in tutorial category.

Skin (requires FRep Unlock Key)FRep Skin

With FRep Unlock Key, the appearance of floating console can be changed from the Skin button.  This function requires FRep Unlock Key.

(Upper preview/chooser)
Selected skin is shown.  By tapping the left/right blue triangles, skin will be changed.

(Lower slider) BaseColor Hue
By sliding, the color hue for the skin can be adjusted.

To apply the skin, you need restart FRep Service.  After tapping Apply in the panel, tap Start/Stop Service to stop once and restart the FRep service.


Simple tips about how to use for FRep. Tap to see next tip.

FRep Calibrate InputCalibrate Input

The dialog can be opened from menu. This collects Tap/Swipe/Long-tap/Double-tap signal information, to reuse on playing Touch control, or Tap Center on Success in Wait Image control designated by Edit Sequence.

– Start Calibration
Start collecting the touch signal information respectively.  Do touches as shown in the dialog.  After touches, push Test button and confirm the touch operations complete without stop, then save them.

Note that the first single tap may be difficult on highly-sensitive touch screen. Try a touch as quick as a flash, after waiting 1 second from retry notification. The threshold will be loosen as the single tap fails.

– Diff Conf.FRep Input difference
Only when the Touch control or Tap Center on Success in Wait Image control played at shifted position, push this button to configure offsets.  If the functions have no problem, do not set values (i.e. set 0 for all directions).

By setting values at the box of each direction (based on the standard direction of device hardware), you can set the offset for the coordinates of touch device.  If your device has sub-display, to adjust the input coordinates for main display, set the size of the input range for the sub-display.  Since the size and direction depend on the machine, please try some values, by considering the rate and difference between Touch device and Screen pixels.

The size of Touch devices: are max value for each coordinate (so actually the device use 0~max), obtained from the touch input device.  Since the input signals are adjusted by built-in method, the size are not necessarily matched with the Screen pixels.  For example, some machine have precise touch device which has more than double the screen resolution, some have touch device which has same lengths for both of vertical and horizontal axes.


– Recheck Rooted State
By tapping this, FRep will retry booting up with “su” command in rooted device, without setup tool.
Note that most of su management tool needs to designate permission of su use for each app.

If FRep already started with rooted mode, you can choose booting method from Default or Legacy.

– Calibrate Input
Open Calibrate Input dialog.

Send Stop Signal (only for support)
By tapping this, FRep will try stopping current recording/replaying by sending stop signal to the native program which records/replays.

Terminate strserv (only for support)
By tapping this, FRep will try finishing process of native program which records/replays.

Replace strserv (only for support)
By tapping this, FRep will try replacing files related with native program.

Replace strserv (only for support, only for Android 4 or later)
By tapping this, FRep will try replacing files related with native program.

Switch ABI (only for support, only for Android 4 or later and some CPUs)
By tapping this, FRep will try replacing files for designated CPU arch.

Visit Support Site
Open this support site.

Visit Tutorial Page
Open tutorial page.

Visit FAQ Page
Open FAQ page.

System Info

Categories: System Info
Tags: No Tags

Confirm system information/reload input devices of FRep recognized.  This is mainly for support.
To reload devices, open menu and select “Reload devices”.

Device InformationFRep System Info

– (Unlock info)/Model Name/Android Version
– Screen resolution/Calibrated status/Touch difference/SELinux status/BatteryOpt/etc.

System information of FRep and Android for support.
BatteryOpt keyword means FRep app can be stopped by system because of the battery optimisation function of Android 6~.  (Related info)

– Ver. DDMMMYYYY/version [CPU type]
Version of internal program, which records/replays input devices such as touchscreen, switch, and keyboard.

– # input devices
Id and information of each supported input device.
The id of external devices (USB, Bluetooth) are shown as pushed button.

*The buttons cannot be pushed.

When the ids on buttons are shown as “A→B”, the previous input device id A changed to current id B.  If the id of the touch input device changes, the recorded data cannot be played. If you encounter the problem, please try followings to solve it.

– Push Reload in menu to refresh input device recognition.
– Change the setting as Device Order: Keep saved order (Default) in Options.
– (Machine dependent) Reboot Android with or without earphones.

If “A→B” ids shown but the previous record can be played without problem, you can store current input device ids as default by; 1. tapping the message “Unmatched device id found. Reload from menu or tap here to edit” to change to edit mode, 2. select menu “Save devices”.

(Only for support) To change device order id, you can move to edit mode by long-tapping the message “(Reload from menu for USB/BT device)”.  In edit mode, Long-tapping and dragging will change the order (id) of the device item.  You can reset or save current devices from menu.  Be aware that FRep cannot replay operations for the device which id is different at the recording from at the replaying.  So please do not edit the device id for regular use.

If you still have the problem, please inform us (support[at] about it with the screenshot of this System Info.


– Reload devices
By tapping this, FRep will reload and update device list.

– Copy support info
By tapping this, the information in the screen, traced last error and last replay/record are copied to clipboard.

– (Only in edit mode) Reset devices
Initialize all input devices by loading native order, then refresh the device id list.

– (Only in edit mode) Save devices
Store the current device ids. With Device Order: Keep saved order (Default) in Options, the stored ids will be used for recording / replaying.


– Android 2.3.x may always show external device, because they are patched version to support external devices.

– FRep does not support compass nor acceleration sensor.

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USB OTG adapter

USB OTG cable

USB OTG (host) adapter to connect between 2 Android devices, for FRep setup tool for Android

Bluetooth Keyboard

Bluetooth keyboard for KeyTrigger

Tabletop smartphone stand

Tablet stand