Category: FAQ-Notification

On Color OS 12 (Oppo), Tapping FRep2 notification does not show / hide the console

(Under investigation; temporary workaround)

Please try Options – Notification Settings – Delay on Tap notification: 2 sec or such.

To show the console without notification tap

Create new sequence from bottom* / last in list button, to create a record with ‘Show on any app’ setting. Then, on any apps (except for restricted ones), the FRep2 console will be shown.

After recording your operations from the console (Rec/Plate), you can delete or set ‘Stock’ the created record above.

To hide the console without notification tap

Long-tapping the upper button of the console will show Long-tap menu. Flick to Close console then finger off.

Current app is not recognized correctly / The replay stopped with ‘App Changed’, ‘Protected App’

In case the replay is interrupted with ‘App Changed‘ or ‘Protected App‘ while the app is not appeared, or another case the FRep2’s notification is always ‘[Restricted for Current App]‘, try switching System Settings – Current App Detection.

Or, if the detected app is correct but the replay stopped with ‘App Changed‘, see the record’s setting of Interruption – Abort on app change.

As for ‘Protected App‘, see the Apps to confirm the settings on which FRep2 is available.