(Updated Nov 21, 2023 Added frep2_grantcapture)
(Alternative frep2_win.zip w/ newer adb)
Archive of the Precision Mode setup and/or grant screen capture permission tool of FRep2 (Android App.) for Windows. Start from the following, preparation of USB debug connection.
Preparation for USB debug connection
On Windows, you need install the ADB driver (or shown as driver for developer) of your device for USB debugging connection.
Retrieve the driver for developers from following link and install it.
Drivers for Google Pixel/Nexus series are here.
* If your device vendor is not in the list, visit the maker’s site and retrieve/install the driver (may be shown as “driver for developers”, or “ADB driver”).
1. Download and ‘Extract All‘ the frep2_win.zip file on Windows PC.
2. On your Android, switch ON the ‘USB debugging‘ in ‘Developer options’ (Android Settings -> System -> Developer Options). [Huawei] [Xiaomi]
On Android 7, after switching ON the Developer options at the top of screen, the USB debugging in Debugging section can be changed.
3. Connect your Android device and Windows PC with USB cable for data transfer(*).
4. On Android, confirm the proper USB connection mode, generally USB charging this device (Charge this device)‘ or No data transfer. [Sony] [Samsung]

Precision Mode Setup
On Windows, start setup script by double-clicking frep2.bat, which may be shown as “frep2”.
*If Windows firewall appears here, you can cancel it because this tool does not use network connection.
Confirm message “StrServ Started.” and close the window. Or, if the tool fails with “error: device not found”, retry from step 4 above with other USB connection mode.
(Recommended, only once) In FRep2 app, choose Calibrate Input in navigation menu, to check the touch signal type.
Keep the extracted files to re-setup on the Android reboot or program update.

(After Setup)
Grant screen capture permission (Only once)
On Windows, start setup script by double-clicking frep2_grantcapture.bat, which may be shown as “frep2_grantcapture”.
*If Windows firewall appears here, you can cancel it because this tool does not use network connection.
Confirm message “Granted screen capture permission to FRep2.” and close the window.
Android Settings – (System -) Developer options – Disable permission monitoring: ON (Color OS, Oxygen OS).
Exception occurred while executing 'set': java.lang.SecurityException: uid 2000 does not have android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_MODES.
On Android 14~, set “Release Capture Permission: Immediately” in System Settings of FRep2 Options.
The granted permission persist even after restarting Android.
If you have any trouble on setup, please refer the troubleshooting page (FAQ of FRep).
Previous tool is here.