FRep2 2.6a open beta test (Reports about operation on Android 15 are welcome)
Tips video list (CC/subtitles in English) for current users.
#21 Buttons for editing long sequences
#16 To omit capture permission requests (Must see for Android 14~ users)
FRep2 for Android on Google Play
(Version 2.6, open test 2.6a 25 Jan [change log])
*On Android 14~, starting FRep2 Service requires Screen capture permission. (FAQ/Workaround)
FRep2 Unlock Key to unlock all features
FRep2 is app for recording / replaying touch/key operations, the successor of FRep – Finger Replayer (FRep(1)). Just simply record and replay as auto clicker, and easily build the macro with recognizing image on screen to deal with various situations such as flexible network load or multiple scenes. See also the tutorial videos.
Main features;
- Record/Replay system [Simple mode] which does not require setup tool or USB debugging.
- Record/Replay system [Precision mode] like FRep(1), which requires setup tool and USB debugging.
- In recording, the Image match control for macro is automatically generated.
- Scene check, which selects start point of replay by current scene, i.e. FRep2 tests multiple Image recognition to decide proper start point.
For users require more precise replay than Simple mode based on Accessibility service, you need setup Precision mode with USB debugging connection like FRep(1) by the tool;
FRep2 2.6 (Details of updates)
- After grant permission by tool, related setting will be adjusted automatically. (for Android 14~)
- Added toggle button
to hide skipped items in Edit Sequence screen.
- Added ‘Item Appearance – Color by Marks’ in Edit Sequence screen, to easily separate the appearance by setting bookmark instead of adding section.
*To remove each color, select last colorfor the tag.
- Added ‘
Fill Inside’ in Select menu of Edit Sequence, for range selection, i.e. to select items between the start and end points (that have already been selected).
- Added ‘Clear’ button to remove existing mask in Edit Mask screen.
- Added environmental variable @lasttime, time (ms) at last replay finish of the same sequence record.
- Removed ‘Log only last error’ in System Settings.
- Modified to color the numbers that are reordered by long-tap and dragging, in Edit Sequence screen.
- Modified FRep2 console to filter system’s Back gesture when touching FRep2 console at the edge of the screen.
- Modified copy/paste function within Variable/If/Switch controls.
- Fixed issue that Variable/If/Switch control stops with syntax error when some postfix modification [ex) var.length] for empty(null) variable.
- Modified codes for Android 14, related with screen capturing.
- Improved the speed and prevented flickering of some UI.
Updated Log Last Trace.
- Added ‘Enable Log Screenshots’ in System Settings, to store screenshots taken in replay as trace log.
*Saving screenshots consumes storage space and puts a load on the device
-> After turn it off, the trace log screenshots will be cleared at the next replay start.
- Added ‘Enable Log Screenshots’ in System Settings, to store screenshots taken in replay as trace log.
- In Options, configure related System Settings –
Log Last Trace: 32 or more, Enable Log Screenshots: ON (Requires Unlock Key
- Set
Log Screenshots of the record which you want to check / debug the sequence operations.
- Replay the record, then open FRep2 app to see the sequence and logs.
- In the sequence screen, tapping
button will switch the log visibility.
- With
button showing, tap the logged item (with
next or such destination) will switch to trace mode in preview pane.
button will fwd / back the trace log, with taken screenshot at the replay.
- f there are logs that passed the same item multiple times, fwd / back trace them, or tapping
button changes the section to view.
* If there are too many sections, long-tap will switch the trace mode and normal mode.
- Modified trace log in Edit Sequence screen.
- Tapping logged item shows Log screenshots in preview pane.
- In trace log,
button will fwd / back the trace log.
- Now logs that passed the same item multiple times (e.g. in a loop) can be displayed as separate sections / be tracked by fwd / back buttons.
- Log screenshots can be set to Image/OCR/etc. from ‘
Last log’ in image choosing menu.
*You can refer / designate all log screenshots in (app folder)/cache/history/ from ‘Image file’.
Trace log will show variable contents at the time of replay. (Limited number of characters)
FRep2 2.6a for beta test (from 25 Jan): To Join or Leave the beta test, open the link and select Become a tester or Leave the program.
- Added ‘Workaround for Android 15’ settings in Simple Mode Settings.
If replaying touches by FRep2 does not work on Android 15, try other settings of ‘Corrective Multi-touch signal’ in Simple Mode Settings. - Modified some UIs.
Please contact support[at] for operation/bug reports, inquiries, and requests.